Biblical Counseling

The biblical counseling that FBC provides is founded in the hope and direction we find in Jesus Christ through Scripture. Each counseling session is held in a comfortable, calm, and completely confidential environment. No matter what situation you may find yourself in, we are here for you.

The pastoral staff and other trained biblical counselors from the FBC body would be happy to provide counseling for you. You do not have to be a member of FBC to receive counseling. If you are interested, please complete the confidential Counseling Request Form below and you will be contacted to schedule a session.


Why do pre-marital counseling? Don’t be part of the 50% of couples who divorce in Oklahoma! Studies have shown that those who do pre-marital counseling have a lower divorce rate. Other reasons why you might want to go through Fellowship Bible Church pre-marital counseling:

  • $45 discount on your marriage license
  • Find out the “secret” of a successful marriage
  • Get insights from a counselor who has been successfully married
  • Find out principles on dealing with the area that causes most divorces – finances
  • How to develop friendship in the midst of a busy life
  • Learn strategies for long term fulfilled relationships
  • Find out those areas you are likely to bump heads over and how to deal with them
  • Be farther along in communicating before the wedding day

Pre-marital counseling at Fellowship Bible Church is 6 to 8 sessions, each 90 minutes, that qualifies you for $45 off your Oklahoma marriage license. Our counselors are trained through Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and use the The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller. And you get all of this for no fee!

Fill out the form below to express interest in free pre-marital counseling. 

Counseling Request Form

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Are you an FBC member?*