FBC Missions

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19


Mobilize FBC to proclaim the Good News, make disciples, and establish local churches here and around the world.


Among the 40+ individual families and ministries we support, almost 75% have been part of the FBC body at some time. These workers are now proclaiming the Good News, making disciples, and establishing local churches all around the world. We support workers who are training church leaders, teaching worker's children, helping refugees, teaching English to reach Muslims, holding camps and Bible studies for Hindu and Sikh students, using medicine, working in area churches, helping orphans, and sharing an active faith with neighbors. We have workers mobilizing specific communities to reach out to like communities around the world, women discipling women, and workers who are pastoring other workers, and caring for their emotional needs.

If you have any further questions about how FBC is involved in the lives of others around the globe, please contact us,