Hosted Organizations
At FBC, we host several organizations that allow your family to have opportunities to fellowship with other believers and enhance some basic life skills.
"To intentionally build godly character in our sons by laying a spiritual foundation of communication, accountability, responsibility, integrity, and spiritual growth through personal discipleship and strengthening father/son relationships with the goal of growing boys and young men into spiritually mature men who desire to serve our Lord."
This is accomplished through Scripture memory and meditation on God's word, spiritual character training, teaching, life skills, service projects to serve those in need and learn to serve and build life skills, campouts, leadership training and high adventure camps, special projects, and bi-weekly meetings.
Typical meetings involve a scripture lesson, life skill, handbook time, sports activity, corporate prayer time, and other various activities. Some of the many tools to assist young men in maturing spiritually are: multi-level handbooks with awards, various ranks to earn and other awards presented at special award presentations. The father/son time is key and father and son sharpening one another to reflect Christ and serve.
Ages: 7-17
Meeting Times: 1st & 3rd Mondays @ 7:00 PM
Location: Room 153 & FBC Gym
Contact: Rick Shoemaker, 918-812-2037,
abka karate
"To use martial arts to bring glory to God, to honor Jesus Christ, and to build up and expand the kingdom of God through evangelism and discipleship; and to teach quality standards of martial arts and develop martial artists with Christ-like character."
Ages: 7 and up
When: Thursday evenings
6 PM - All beginners and kids 7-10
7 PM - Upper belts and students 11 and up
Where: FBC Gym
Cost: One time registration fee of $25/individual or $50/family
Monthly Fee: $5/person
Additional Costs: Uniform and gear
If needed, fees can be waived, please see your instructor.
Contact: Larry Rosebure, 918-639-9632, or Luke Rosebure, 918-639-9645
"Build women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country."
We recognize that our overall mission as part of God's family is the Great Commission as commanded by Jesus Christ.
American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. This organization is for value-minded moms and daughters who desire confidence building extra-curricular activity and inspiring adventure that helps girls reach their potential and become women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.
- Social development through organized special events
- Girl leadership opportunities at all levels of programming
- Life skill enhancement through multi-level badge program
- Character development through community service and citizenship programs
- Developing teamwork and building confidence through varied outdoor experiences
- Spiritual development through biblically based programming and religious recognition programs
Ages: 5-18
Meeting Times: 2nd & 4th Sundays | 3-5 PM
Location: FBC Children's Center
Contact: Nichole Langford,
"Our mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure."
Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered outdoor character development adventure program open to boys and young men aged 5-17. Boys will love the fun and adventure! Parents will love the commitment to a Christian worldview and moral consistency.
Younger guys grades K-5 are on the Woodlands Trail and learn new life skills through community outings and camping with adult leadership.
Middle School and High School-aged Trailmen are on the Mountain Trail and receive leadership training to become boy-led. Adults provide structure and guidance. Middle schoolers grow in their knowledge of outdoor and mountaineering skills and go on monthly camping excursions to build character and teamwork. All those on the Mountain Trail participate in service projects 9-10 times a year.
High School-aged Trailmen, in addition to the monthly camping options, will encounter ambitious and challenging outdoor adventures, special travel options, and Freedom Experiences, all designed to help a young man become a confident, trained Christian leader for tomorrow.
Adults are encouraged to participate and help. We especially encourage dads to spend this quality time with their sons. All leaders must sign the following statement of faith and be approved by the Elders of Fellowship Bible Church:
We believe there is One Triune God – God the Father; Jesus Christ, His one and only Son; and the Holy Spirit – Creator of the universe and eternally existent. We believe the Holy Scriptures (Old and New Testaments) to be the inspired and authoritative Word of God. We believe each person is created in His image for the purpose of communing with and worshiping God. We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit, Who enables us to live godly lives. We believe each of us is called to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We believe God calls us to lives of purity, service, stewardship and integrity.
Ages: 5-17
When: Monday evenings
Woodlands Trail: 6 PM - 7:30 PM | Large Group Room
Mountain Trail: 7 PM - 8:30 PM | Room 208
Contact: Tom Van Eman,